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Name: Fritz

Last name: Frost

IMVU Avatar: xXFritzFrostXx

Education: Over Qualified

Birth Place: Canada

Birthdate: Oct 31 1974


     The name is xXFritzFrostXx but Fritz or Frost will do just fine... I am the owner of Frost Productions. Here are some details about me and my visions:


I have always pushed myself to do my best. I have never given up on anything. If I haven't finished something, that's because I'm still working on it. I strive to better myself and those around me. Those that call me "Friend, Lover, Son or Father" I hold up on my shoulders so the light may shine upon them. The more they glow in the light, the better i have done. Those that insist on standing in my way get kicked aside without a seconds thought. I've traveled the galaxy's,  walked the lands, climbed mountains, swam the deep waters and I have gained flight in the sky's. I have landed now in a world called IMVU. A beautiful little place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. :P  The rest is in your history... So I say, lets make this IMVU, a better place to be. Just like the REAL WORLD. Bring your talents and skills with you but be sure to use our strengths to make bad daze better days. Not to tear it all down, but to build it up the way we want it to be. With peace in our soul, love in our hearts and a vision to be the best we can be, the world is ours, lets make it so  that we can be proud of it. Thank you for taking the time to read my Bio. Love and Light to you All...




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